Many people wonder if it is possible to remove scratches from glass. In general terms, it could be said that it is. However, there is a wide spectrum of possibilities regarding this topic. Glass is not like a diamond, even though they both look transparent, glass is a ‘non-crystalline’ solid that is derived from silica, an element found in sand that at high temperatures, turns into a liquid that It is rapidly cooled to form glass. Diamonds are derived from carbon, and their crystallization depends on temperatures and pressures much higher than those of glass, making it one of the most resistant materials in the universe, and therefore it is practically unbreakable and impossible to scratch. We know that it is practically impossible to make all our windows and doors out of diamonds, so we must take good care of our glass to avoid scratches.
Scratches of different shapes and sizes can be found on your glass. It must be understood that, depending on the type of scratch, the solutions that can be applied will vary.