Many people wonder if it is possible to remove scratches from glass. In general terms, it could be said that it is. However, there is a wide spectrum of possibilities regarding this topic. Glass is not like a diamond, even though they both look transparent, glass is a ‘non-crystalline’ solid that is derived from silica, an element found in sand that at high temperatures, turns into a liquid that It is rapidly cooled to form glass. Diamonds are derived from carbon, and their crystallization depends on temperatures and pressures much higher than those of glass, making it one of the most resistant materials in the universe, and therefore it is practically unbreakable and impossible to scratch. We know that it is practically impossible to make all our windows and doors out of diamonds, so we must take good care of our glass to avoid scratches.

Scratches of different shapes and sizes can be found on your glass. It must be understood that, depending on the type of scratch, the solutions that can be applied will vary.

What types of scratches can be found on your glass?

There are two types of scratches that can be found on the glass panes of your windows and doors; there are superficial scratches and deep scratches. These at first glance can seem quite the same since their difference does not depend on their length, but on their depth. Superficial scratches can be caused by passing light elements on one of the glass surfaces such as coins, toys, keys among others. While deep scratches can be caused by heavy items, such as tools, or when windows are protected with plywood in hurricane season. The way to detect a deep scratch is to pass your nail through it, if the nail is hindered when passing it means that it is deep, this is the main method to differentiate the types of scratches.

How to remove superficial scratches from your glass?

If you find a superficial scratch on the surface of your glass, it is very likely that it can be repaired. However, most scratches found in everyday life are deep, so it is necessary to check well before proceeding. To remove a superficial scratch, the popular cerium oxide can be used together with the appropriate tools, such as polishers and specific glass sanding discs. It is not recommended that this activity be carried out as a DIY. It is necessary to call a company specialized in scratch removal for evaluation and subsequent service. The use of these tools without due care can raise the temperature of the glass and provoke breakage.

How to remove deep scratches from your glass?

Deep scratches are of special care, a scratch of this type means that the glass suffered wear and lost millimeters of thickness in that area. To solve this situation, it is imperative to call a specialized company, which will oversee determining if the scratch is deep enough to be sanded or if a replacement is necessary. It is important to mention that glasses (depending on their type) have a molecular composition that is determined by a certain temperature applied at the time of manufacture. If this resistance temperature is exceeded by just a few degrees, the glass can suffer immediate breakage, that is why the use of heavy-duty tools, such as polishers, which work with friction, are of careful usage since they can raise the temperature of the glass in just a few seconds. For these reasons it is very valid that in certain situations it is better to replace the glass rather than repair it since there are scratches that cannot be sanded.

Hurricanes are tropical storms in which the winds can reach sustained speeds of 74 miles per hour and higher. Generally, a windspeed like this can uproot trees, destroy light poles, break glass and lift objects. In any of these situations, these objects potentially become “missiles” that can impact the glass of your windows and doors causing breakage and, in some cases, breaching the building envelope. This can be dangerous for the integrity of your home, since the wind and water can enter through these penetrations causing extreme pressure changes.

Over time, studies on the formation and evolution of hurricanes have improved. In turn, security protocols have been increased in terms of planning and protection against hurricanes, especially in places historically affected by them. The data extracted from these studies is of vital importance for the design, manufacture and installation of hurricane-proof window and door systems. These systems are called “impact” systems due to their ability to resist the force of hurricane winds and their resilience over time. These are most made of high resistance aluminum, manufactured under rigorous production processes, and tested in laboratories. It must be considered that, like everything else, these products must be properly maintained since its resistance capability depends largely on the proper functioning of all its components.

Maintenance protocols may vary depending on the state and design of your windows and doors, starting with basic maintenance to more complex ones. Below, we reveal different maintenance methods that can be applied to impact systems:

Maintenance protocols for sliding doors and horizontal sliding windows:

If your door or window is not working smoothly, the following basic maintenance protocol can be applied:

  1. Cleaning and vacuuming of tracks for dust and debris.
  2. Track lubrication.
  3. Lubrication of operable components.
  4. Adjustment of operable panel, handle and locking mechanism.

If your door or window moves with great difficulty or does not move at all:

  1. Cleaning and vacuuming of tracks for dust and debris.
  2. Track lubrication.
  3. Lubrication of operable components.
  4. Adjustment of operable panel, handle and locking mechanism.
  5. Replacement of wheels.
  6. Track repair or track cover installation.
  7. Replacement of handle and locking mechanism

If your door or window is noisy due to wind intrusion:

  1. Operable panel adjustment.
  2. Replacement of weatherstripping and rubber gaskets.
  3. Cleaning and unclogging weep holes.
  4. Protection and sealing of installation screws and assembly screws.
  5. Removal and reapplication of silicone on the perimeter and in assembly joints.

If your door or window has a broken glass:

  1. Glass replacement.
  2. Removal and reapplication of structural silicone seals around the glass perimeter.

If your door or window presents salt accumulation and/or oxidation on the surface of the aluminum.

  1. Chemical cleaning on all aluminum profiles surfaces.
  2. Removal of salt accumulation and cutting of rubber gaskets.
  3. Filling of aluminum in surfaces with holes affected by salt.
  4. Application of activator and primer.
  5. Application of electrostatic painting of the corresponding color.
  6. Curing and drying of the applied paint.
  7. Application of structural silicone in the perimeters of the glass and assembly joints.

Maintenance protocols for single hung windows:

If your window won't stay open and it's hard to open or close:

  1. Cleaning and vacuuming of windowsills for dust and debris.
  2. Lubrication of operable components.
  3. Adjustment of operable panel, handle and locking mechanism.
  4. Replacement of spring balances.
  5. Replacement of missing plastic guides.
  6. Replacement of weatherstripping and rubber gaskets.

With the above we want to express the general concern with the lack of maintenance that is seen daily on existing impact doors and windows; There are cases in which it is necessary to replace integral components that can take months to be delivered by the manufacturers. Sometimes the damage is so severe that the maintenance and repair protocols require extensive amounts of time and labor to be carried out. For these reasons, it is necessary that basic maintenance protocols be carried out at least every 6 months.


Keep in mind that your impact window and door systems are manufactured and installed by certified companies, Likewise, it is necessary that the maintenance protocols are carried out by a specialized company like us. If maintenance is not performed on a regular basis, it is very likely that the components that make up the systems will not work correctly and therefore lead to major problems in the future.

As a resident of South Florida, you should be aware that hurricanes are a reality for you and your family. If you are still not convinced of using Impact Windows for your home, here we explain everything you should know about the advantages of using these and why these are the best option over the non-impact windows.

1. Protection

Most building codes in the state of Florida require windows that protect you and your property during high wind events. Standard or non-impact windows don’t provide the protection required. In case an object impacts the monolithic (non-impact) glass, it will break allowing water and wind can get into your home, experiencing severe damage during a storm.

On the other hand, Impact/Hurricane Windows  use double layered/laminated glass to prevent damage. If high winds send an object against your window, the frame and the glass are strong enough to withstand it. The object may break the glass but it will stay adhered to an innerlayer or membrane preventing shards to come into your home. At the same time, wind and water will not come into your home. Preventing significant damage during a storm.

2. One less thing to worry about

If a hurricane is headed towards your area, then you have a lot to think about. Worrying about your windows only adds to your list of things to do. If you have standard windows, then it could take hours to prepare them to weather the storm.

Impact Windows give you one less thing to worry about. Instead of securing your windows, you can focus on what really matters – the safety of you and your family.

3. Energy Efficiency

Impact Windows allow more light into your home than shutters. When a hurricane hits, it is very common to run out of electricity. During this time, your impact windows could come in handy, allowing you to have natural light in your home. Additionally, you don’t need to rush to take down any shutters after a storm.

4. Noise reduction

Impact-resistant windows provide an excellent noise barrier to block disturbing sounds in addition to protecting against hurricanes.

As a conclusion, having impact resistant/hurricane windows adds the most benefits to your property and provides peace of mind. If you already own these systems, it is imperative to keep these working all year round. Proper maintenance and repairing your products with a specialized firm will ensure this. Most manufacturer’s recommend a preventive maintenance at least every six months. If you are interested in this service or in any other type of repair, please visit our website at  You can also contact our customer service department at 786-245-4595 or [email protected].